Who we serve

Human Resources

From the ever-so-tight talent acquisition space to the growing global workforce, the need to influence, strategize, and advise has never been more relevant. With our proprietary reporting system, you will understand the number one resource that an organization has: its people. Our system serves the human resource department by helping them understand employees' communication styles and in turn how to best approach internal matters.

Coaching and Consultancy

Great communication is the key to successful coaching and consulting. It is the glue that binds those all-important relationships together. As a coach or consultant, your job is to improve your client through structured learning that delivers results. We help you do just that. Through consistent use and learning with our tools, you and your clients are going to better understand their communication strengths and how to leverage them to be more successful both personally and professionally.
  • Personal Development Coach
  • Executive Coach
  • Organizational Consultant

Sales and Services

The sales and services sector is the bloodline of any business; they deal with the customers, facilitate the acquisition, and maintain retention. Effective communication is critical for success in sales and customer service. Good communication skills can help you build rapport with customers, understand their needs, and persuade them to make a purchase or use your service. How do they do it? Through their experience, ability to adapt effectively and their Communication Intelligence.™ In a field where the relationship with the customer is paramount, it is equally important to understand how to leverage your communication strengths. Using our suite of tools will help you understand these strengths and ultimately improve your communication methods.

Marketing and Communication

All marketing is an act of communication. The marketing team and its message are most effective when they can understand and communicate the vision, strategy, and brand of an organization in an influential manner. By consistently delivering high-quality and relevant messages, businesses can foster loyalty and trust with their customers. Using our tools to better understand communication styles and strategies, your organization and team will have a distinct advantage in the world of marketing and communication.
  • Chief Marketing Officer
  • Communication Leaders
  • Customer Experience and Success

Innovation and Strategy

Great communication is more necessary than ever in this digital age. As industries in innovation become more technology-based, communicating effectively in a human-to-human capacity is going to give your department the boost needed to reach the next level. Whether you're heading a startup company or looking to further your long-standing finance business, effective communication is imperative to success. Our reporting system will help you understand your communication strengths and how to utilize them effectively.
  • Corporate Strategy Analyst
  • Business Development Manager
  • Product Manager

Information Technology

Even in a space dominated by technology, effective and flexible human interaction is a necessary key to success. We have to remember that even with the rapid integration of technology into the workforce, it is still humans that make the changes, not machines or microchips. Thus the importance of developing influential and impactful communication skills for the information technology space is paramount.
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Technical Professional


The strength of any organization is determined by the finance department. Having influential communication skills in this number-intensive discipline is fundamental. With effective verbal, non-verbal and interpersonal communication skills, you and your team will be able to powerfully portray how the corporate goals and overall mission are being met within your company.
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Financial Controllers
  • Finance Leaders


Organizational effectiveness and excellence are brought about by smooth internal operations and managing internal/external communications. From systems, processes, policies, planning, vendor relationships, staff, legal functions, reports, and performance, operations require excellent communication standards. Our reporting system will help you set those standards, understand how to achieve them, and execute them effectively across all channels.
  • Chief Operating Officers
  • Customer Service
  • Supply Chain Management


Ferdinand Furigay

The report very closely characterizes me. I’m very amazed at how accurate this report describes me.

Marcie Short

“I am completely shocked on how accurate this was for me. I think it captured my personality and behaviors from a personal and professional standpoint.”

The Forté Institute client

I feel my recent Forte is an accurate depiction of my Current communication and Strengths. I appreciate the insight on how I can improve my performance in the work Team setting and have already benefitted from this tool.

The Forté Institute client

The Forte has captured my style accurately for many years.

The Forté Institute client

Crazy how well this describes me.

The Forté Institute client

The report was very insightful and spot on.

The Forté Institute client

This is pretty spot on! I’m incredibly impressed with the output from a simple, short survey. The results were incredibly expressive, detailed, and accurate in my opinion!

The Forté Institute client

This “hit the nail on the head” in regards to several things. I don’t always consider myself extroverted, and I don’t always think I dress well, but those are small things! I will definitely continue using this tool.

The Forté Institute client

The report was shockingly accurate given that it was based on the selection of just a few words. There were just one or two things I was not sure were applicable to me.

The Forté Institute client

Feel like this communication tool offers incredible insights into my team and myself. Keep up the good work.